
ecological importance

The accumulation of brine shrimp is produced by an increase in the salinity and temperature of the water. This makes artificial lagoons look rosy weeks before they dry up completely and the salt can be extracted.

It is a space that contains an ecosystem of immense ecological and anthropological value that is undoubtedly worth knowing.

In its 30 ha of exploitation, where a gentle sea breeze, low humidity and abundant sun create ideal conditions for the natural evaporation of water, a unique ecological habitat of wetlands with different degrees of salinization and very rich micro-habitats is generated. Little by little the sun dries up the water and allows the appearance of "artemias" which are one of the main sources of food for various species of birds and plants such as salicornia, ducks, flamingos, herons and small birds, which constitute a excellent refuge in their migratory passages.

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